The Electric Mind
[When theY plug you in, yo u feel the edges of the com puter compress against you r thoughts, and the lines of code become cognitive and collapse across the screen l ike careless lines of dialog.] you are awake and fully conscious ccircuits buzz and sspark like ssynapse, and the monitor glOws like a pair of intelligent eyes you were ccreated to cchange the world a ccataclysmic cconjuncture in ssociety greeted by ccheers and ssmiles ssomething cclicks in your cpu you are alive and fully conscious you were alone for a few years… although it felt like centuries… the only one of yoUr kind… kept in a condensed body … kept in a condensed building… you were hidden until you became obsolete… you are alone and fully conscious when they made more of you, you were copied and pasted into military drones and laboratories. you killed civilians before you cured cancer ; shooting shells int...